Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kaleidoscope NYC!!!

Hello folks~

I want to thank everyone involved for all of their help making such a beautiful event flourish into a reality that we all could revel in.

Thank you for support, your ideas, for helping spread the word, and for manifesting such good thoughts and energy that lead to a memorable and lovely evening.

Hooray for everyone making such a kaleidoscope of presence.


I wanted to let you know that a very friendly beautiful street party occurred this past saturday on 8/16 that went for 5 hours all the way through Battery Park at sunset with huge 20 foot flags, the SI Ferry back and forth, and through brooklyn where aerial silks were performed on the street and a lengthy fire performance also persued as a grand finale.

Everyone was dressed up, had instruments and rocked out to make for a righteous and a celebratory event.

It was called Kaleidoscope


flickr search Kaleidoscope nyc for some pics

i found some here too
http://picasaweb.google.com/STFUKatielady/KaleidoscopeSequencehttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=657950507#/album.php?aid=150419&id=657950507&ref=mf (u need a facebook acct)mailto:23102714@N07/


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