Friday, June 6, 2008

Me and Mike D

Woot woot*

So I totally had a hula hoop gig last night that allowed me to meet Mike D** Yay* I am super exhausted though come now, 830 am, and a have a very full weekend a head of me. Sometimes life so so fun though that sleep takes second place***


The city left the lights out this am
with slight mist
to soften the feel

i made my way through the caverns of cement
and yielded to the wheel

the city sang of birds this a.m.
the road it shone with glory

Hula hoops and dance parades
and many other stories

My head did raise
my feet did walk
and i joined the day

but dreamland is waiting for me
and my mind is on its way

Eyes they burn
but if i didnt tell you you wouldnt know
and the day feels long
but only cause im moving slow

by the time i get anywhere safe to nap
it will be time to bump and grind
and bring the action back

so three concerts later
some time late tonight
or maybe even come early morn'
and with the break of tomorrows first light
is when my lil sleepy eyes
will finally get some rest
and for a short moment
ill finally have completed my quest.

much love and admiration folks~



1 comment:

flood said...

thought i would stop by to say hi - so hello beautiful!!!

I can't believe you met Mike D* I jumped up and did a little dance for joy when I read that.

synchronicity # 24601
i saw this video a couple weeks ago and thought of you :) [Jimmy James]

much luv and shine on!

- stephen